• sales@snsmetal.in
  • +91-124-408-7809

About Us

About Us

SNS Metal has conducted aggressive business operations based on the "management that takes the offensive" to increase our value as a company further. The Group has achieved steady growth in future mobility and green energy business as well as metals and alloys, non-ferrous metals, Household products, chemicals, machinery, and other businesses.

Mobility is entering a new age of innovation. We examined regional trends across the world to explore the complex changes as an organization that can accurately meet the needs of customers.

Our Business

As a trading and consultancy company that collaborates internationally with major equipment and technology providers around the world, we are a company that performs many important roles in our customers' success. SNSs will continue to enter more business fields in response to changes in the operating environment to meet customers' needs.

Your partner on your digital journey

As manufacturers strive to meet new and more challenging consumer demands, machine builders must keep pace with new and more efficient designs. Today's consumers are coming to expect the option to personalize their products. To make individualization profitable, OEMs must design their machines to provide flexible manufacturing and batch-of-one production at the same level of cost efficiency as mass production. We do it with you, not for you. 

Our Clients